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Past & Recurring Programs

Seasonal Kickball League
We hosted our first ever sports league during fall of 2019, Social Sabby kickball.
We are excited to expand our programming to include Social Sabby Sports, and continue to offer a variety of inclusive activities in our hometown of Meriden, CT.
The league ran for 6 weeks, and met every Sunday from October 6th through November 10th, from 10 am-12 pm at Washington Park located at 444 Liberty Street in Meriden, CT.
We offered our second season of kickball in July 2020 at the Dunn Sports Complex located at 402 Thorpe Avenue in Meriden. We met on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 5-6:30pm and hosted children grades 6-12. It was a welcomed outdoor group activity for the children and families to participate in after being quarantined due to COVID-19. We were successfully able to host this outdoor league while following state guidelines, reducing attendance and implementing social distancing. We now offer a kickball league annually, either in the spring or summer months. Our 6th season was hosted this past May 2024.
Seasonal Day Camps
Social Sabby hosts seasonal day camps at Francis T. Maloney High School during the Meriden public schools scheduled vacations. We typically host a 2 day February winter camp, a 1 week long spring break camp in April, in addition to 2 week long summer camps, in both June and August. Our 2020 camp schedule was reduced as a result of COVID-19, but we were still able to offer a one week outdoor camp at Hubbard Park in Meriden, in partnership with The Meriden Parks & Recreation Department.
Each camp is designed to include activities that foster social skills for our special needs participants and peer mentors. Activities range from educational challenges in the classroom, obstacle courses in the gymnasium, outdoor water games, and even swimming in the indoor pool.
We were excited to host 7 seasonal day camps in 2024 (we added a week long camp in June due to popular demand)! Learn about our upcoming events by following our social pages!

Life Skills Workshops
We introduced our first series of life skills workshops in June 2019. We hosted three topics weekly, including Technology Tuesdays, Cooking Wednesdays, and Social Recreational Thursdays. Technology Tuesdays allowed participants the chance learn about internet safety, social media do’s and dont’s, educational games, and social gaming. Cooking Wednesdays emphasized kitchen safety, kitchen sanitation, meal planning, nutrition, preparing a dish, and kitchen cleanup. Social Recreational Thursdays allowed participants the chance to foster social skills through a variety of activity stations. All participants were paired with peer mentors as they rotated through each station.
We’re excited to incorporate these life skills into our ongoing seasonal camps and social groups.

Annual Events

Autism Integration Day
Held on a Saturday morning during April’s Autism Awareness Month, our Annual Autism Integration Day is a day all about inclusion. The first one was held during the summer of 2013, and has since been scheduled during April in an attempt to raise awareness in our extended Meriden community.
We are excited to partner with Francis T. Maloney High School over the last several years to host this event at their location, and use the entire facility for a variety of educational, physical, and social recreational stations throughout the school. This is a free community event hosted by Social Sabby, and typically lunch is included. Stay tuned for details for our next one!