
Sheila Z.

Kevin and Sabby, Founder and namesake of Social Sabby LLC

“Our family had the pleasure of meeting Kevin when my son Sabatino was 14 years old. We were desperate to get him out and involved in activities in the community as well as introducing Sab to new people and situations with a safe, trustworthy individual; Kevin.

Kevin introduced Sab to everyone. He considered every moment an opportunity for Sab to learn and grow. Kevin wasn’t afraid to take Sab out of his comfort zone but was always considerate of Sab’s limits.

Sab became more comfortable entering new places. He walked into businesses greeting people. It seemed that it didn’t matter where we went – someone knew Sab and made a point of approaching him if he didn’t approach them first.

Sab has confidence that I don’t think we could have helped him gain without Kevin. Sab makes most people wish they were more like him. He says hello to strangers and asks them how they’re doing, regardless of who they are.

We never had another resource outside of our own family. Kevin is a wonderful resource. He has education and experience to skillfully work with individuals on the spectrum.

Sabatino turned 25 this year. He and Kevin are still in touch. Honestly, I couldn’t imagine life without Kevin! They don’t see each other weekly, but talk on the phone often and get together when schedules allow.

Initially, Kevin was Sab’s mentor. He’s become so much more- friend, brother, family! Social Sabby is a safe environment for your child to learn and grow. It will also give you a moment to breathe knowing that your child is in good hands.

I highly recommend Social Sabby and Kevin. Please feel free to obtain my contact information from Social Sabby, I would be happy to talk with you directly.”

Sheila Z.
Client est. 2008 | Review provided 2019

“We met Kevin for the first time during the 2012-2013 school year when he was teaching at Hanover Elementary School. The following year we were invited to his first Social Sabby camp (the boys were in kindergarten).

They were drawn to Kevin from the moment they met him. They look up to him, trust him, and are constantly asking when they can see him again. It is a wonderful feeling as a parent to know that when they are leaving you, they are honestly excited about where they are going and who they will be with!

My twin boys, who are now 10 and in 5th grade, have benefited from the camps in many ways. They love all the parts of the camps: games, social interactions, swimming. I love to see how talkative they are after camp – they can’t wait to tell me about their day! The most important thing that I see from them is the desire to go to camp. They ask all year long when the next camp is and they look to the calendar all the time to see if I have written it in yet. It is a great feeling to have my boys EXPRESS a desire to do something!

They boys are always happy to spend time with Kevin. For me, Kevin has made time for me to ask questions and review things that the boys have improved on since he has seen them last and what we should be working on.

This is the 6th year that the boys have attended the Social Sabby Camps that Kevin offers. These camps have always had a much more personal feel to them. Kevin is very hands on; greeting everyone as they arrive and saying goodbye as they leave; and all activities in between.

Kevin is very kind – you can see that he truly cares about the kids. My children can’t wait to see him and spend time with him! As the Mom, nothing makes me happier than to have two children who have struggled in the past with making their needs known; to have these same two children asking “When is Mr. Kevin’s next camp?”

Kevin is wonderful and so is Social Sabby!

Lauren B.
Client est. 2012 | Review provided 2019

Lauren B.